Precision laser beam steering is critical in numerous applications. Moreover, precise pointing of laser beams is essential in challenging environments. The optical signal may be deflected, drift and wander due to environmental influences. The core problem of steering performances is to deal with the jitter disturbance. Based on the analysis of the beam angle steering system, some important factors to design the structure of a Fast Steering Mirror (FSM) and the layout of laser optics steering system are being developed. Flexure hinges with compliant mechanisms are used to build the FSM structure. A 4-quadrant detector has been used as the sensor for the incoming light. A design of the developed control loop and concepts of the FSM model are discussed. A comparison between the measured gain response and the simulation model of the FSM reveals similarity between the theoretical simulation model and the real system, and offers a way to improve the model to better resemble the real system. A laser beam jitter control test bed is also being developed to improve jitter control techniques.